1304 fading away today and has not passed the 24 hour rule and will not be counted yesterday. Some possible action approaching in the south?
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1302 |
16911 (20492) |
71% (78%) |
1305 |
4097 (2938) |
75% (73%) |
1306 |
798 (631) |
60% (67%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
137.0 (134.0) |
10952 (11760) |
2011/09/30 04:00 |
1304 making a come back today but may not pass the 24 hour rule. F10.7 flux values falling quickly over the past 2 days.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1302 |
20492 (23508) |
78% (71%) |
1304* |
347 |
69% |
1305 |
2938 (2089) |
73% (69%) |
1306 |
631 (490) |
67% (54%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
134.0 (139.6) |
11760 (12943) |
2011/09/29 04:00 |
1302 backing off somewhat today, with another new region in the north making the grade. The unipolar groups seem to be in favour.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1301 |
351 (490) |
71% (71%) |
1302 |
23508 (24352) |
71% (74%) |
1305 |
2089 (1536) |
69% (63%) |
1306 |
490 |
54% |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
139.6 (149.0) |
12943 (13726) |
2011/09/28 04:00 |
1302 growing some more but all other regions on the decline. Some are getting carried away trying to talk up this cycle.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1301 |
490 (886) |
71% (57%) |
1302 |
24352 (22462) |
74% (77%) |
1304 |
369 (923) |
65% (71%) |
1305 |
1536 (1076) |
63% (61%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
149.0 (169.8) |
13726 (13227) |
2011/09/27 04:00 |
1302 now easily the largest group of SC24 with more expected growth to come. The northern hemisphere is continuing to dominate.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1301 |
886 (1480) |
57% (55%) |
1302 |
22462 (19192) |
77% (76%) |
1304 |
923 |
71% |
1305 |
1076 (431) |
61% (54%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
169.8 (191.6) |
13227 (11518) |
2011/09/26 04:00 |
1302 now the largest group of SC24 eclipsing 1166 at 14807 pixels. The spike in F10.7 flux a short term effect of the X class flare.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1295 |
795 (3587) |
44% (55%) |
1301 |
1480 (2096) |
55% (55%) |
1302 |
19192 (13471) |
76% (74%) |
New |
431 |
54% |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
191.6 (159.3) |
11518 (9154) |
2011/09/25 04:00 |
1302 developing into a large group. September may prove to be a strong month when looking at the relative scale of this cycle.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1295 |
3587 (4554) |
55% (57%) |
1301 |
2096 (2095) |
55% (64%) |
1302 |
13471 (7664) |
74% (73%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
159.3 (151.9) |
9154 (6636) |
2011/09/24 04:00 |
1302 proving to be a large area with punch associated with an X class flare. Stereo B not revealing the true potential. I wonder why the Stereo program did not support a continuum (basic) image????
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1295 |
4554 (5308) |
57% (68%) |
1301 |
2095 (2303) |
64% (62%) |
1302 |
7664 (1664) |
73% (65%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
151.9 (145.3) |
6636 (4388) |
2011/09/23 04:00 |
A new sunspot group which appears to have a reasonable chance of being another unipolar group if looking at the weak Stereo Behind image. If so the future F10.7 values will be interesting to watch.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1295 |
5308 (5845) |
68% (62%) |
1301 |
2303 (2063) |
62% (59%) |
New |
1664 |
65% |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
145.3 (145.5) |
4388 (3700) |
2011/09/22 04:00 |
A fair drop in activity today with only two groups counting. Once again there will be a large divergence between the LSC and the speck counters.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1295 |
5845 (7529) |
62% (67%) |
1301 |
2063 (1527) |
59% (57%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
145.5 (142.2) |
3700 (5109) |
2011/09/21 04:00 |
Five regions counted today with region 1301 showing some growth. Darkness values are all low.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1295 |
7529 (7332) |
67% (66%) |
1296 |
544 (1136) |
69% (66%) |
1299 |
863 (1076) |
65%(67%) |
1300 |
666 (1285) |
52 (53%) |
1301 |
1527 (658) |
57% (58%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
142.2 (151.6) |
5109 (5698) |
2011/09/20 04:00 |
Another new region forming today, along with the F10.7 flux levels rising again. Most regions are now in decline.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1289 |
1049 (2983) |
54% (65%) |
1295 |
7332 (6322) |
66% (66%) |
1296 |
1136 (1869) |
66% (57%) |
1299 |
1076 (1415) |
67%(70%) |
1300 |
1285 (1267) |
53 (64%) |
1301 |
658 |
58% |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
151.6 (144.6) |
5698 (6909) |
2011/09/19 04:00 |
A new region forming today, along with the F10.7 flux levels rising. September is at present showing an increase in overall activity.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1289 |
2983 (4860) |
65% (76%) |
1295 |
6322 (5202) |
66% (66%) |
1296 |
1869 (2379) |
57% (57%) |
1298 |
498 (676) |
71% (64%) |
1299 |
1415 (933) |
70%(72%) |
New |
1267 |
64% |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
146.2 (144.6) |
6444 (6909) |
2011/09/18 04:00 |
Quite a drop off in activity today, but perhaps more on the way. 1291 not passing the 24 hr rule.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1289 |
4860 (7018) |
76% (72%) |
1295 |
5202 (4390) |
66% (71%) |
1296 |
2379 (2903) |
57% (61%) |
1298 |
676 (1146) |
64% (64%) |
1299 |
933 (417) |
72%(69%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
144.6 (144.5) |
6909 (8796) |
2011/09/17 04:00 |
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1289 |
7018 (8497) |
72% (78%) |
1291* |
1004 |
65% |
1292 |
502 (879) |
67% (61%) |
1294 |
429(482) |
73% (63%) |
1295 |
4390 (2358) |
71% (70%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
144.5 (144.3) |
8796 (9308) |
2011/09/16 04:00 |
9 groups counting today with 2 new groups and 1 fading. Most of the groups are weak but still impressive compared with past activity.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1296 |
2903 (2305) |
61% (64%) |
652 (1775) |
49% (59%) |
1298 |
1146 (846) |
64& (73%) |
new |
417 |
69% |
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1289 |
8497 (8821) |
78% (80%) |
1292 |
879 (778) |
61% (61%) |
1293 |
963 (344) |
71% (71%) |
1294 |
482 (772) |
63% (62%) |
1295 |
2358(1409) |
70% (66%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
144.3 (131.0) |
9038 (7380) |
2011/09/15 04:00 |
8 groups counting on a day of elevated activity compared with recent times. F10.7 flux levels also rising to mild levels. The subdued ramp up continues.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1296 |
2305 (886) |
64% (59%) |
1775 (491) |
59% (72%) |
1298 |
846 |
73% |
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1287 |
536 (879) |
60% (59%) |
1289 |
8821 (9402) |
80% (77%) |
1290 |
393 (1443) |
68% (67 %) |
1292 |
778 (759) |
61% (60%) |
1294 |
772 |
62% |
1295 |
1409 |
66% |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
131.0 (125.5) |
7380 (6932) |
2011/09/14 04:00 |
9 groups counting today but only 1 group showing strength at this stage. The overall weakness of the groups telling the story but the numbers will look good.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1296 |
886 (661) |
59% (58%) |
New 1
491 |
72% |
New 2
344 |
71% |
2 new groups counting today. F10.7 flux on the rise.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1287 |
879 (854) |
59% (58%) |
1289 |
9402 (9009) |
77% (80%) |
1290 |
1443 (1302) |
67% (64 %) |
1292 |
759 |
60% |
New |
661 |
58% |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
125.5 (122.9) |
6932 (6370) |
2011/09/13 04:00 |
Many specks dominate the face today, which will show a large variation between the LSC and the official counters. But this is the reason for the LSC, there are more specks during a solar grand minimum. 1289 returning to alpha/unipolar configuration.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1287 |
854 (1028) |
58% (53%) |
1289 |
9009 (9824) |
80% (77%) |
1290 |
1302 (646) |
64% (64 %) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
122.9 (117.8) |
6370 (6229) |
2011/09/12 04:00 |
A small overall decrease in area today. The mediocre SC5 type solar activity continues towards cycle max.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1283 |
836 (2051) |
51% (59%) |
1287 |
1028 (1211) |
53% (55%) |
1289 |
9824 (8656) |
77% (73%) |
1290 |
646 (799) |
64% (73%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
117.8 (113.4) |
6229 (6470) |
2011/09/11 04:00 |
1289 continues to grow and has developed into a more complex group. There are 2 new groups with only 1 counting so far.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1283 |
2051 (4135) |
59% (62%) |
1287 |
1211 (1452) |
55% (58%) |
1289 |
8656 (5901) |
73% (81%) |
1290 |
799 |
73% |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
113.4 (111.7) |
6470 (5077) |
2011/09/10 04:00 |
Overall area increasing again today but the F10.7 flux values continue to decline. Perhaps another example of negative sunspots doing their thing, but we have to remember the sun is a messy place.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1283 |
4135 (4352) |
62% (71%) |
1287 |
1452 (1577) |
58% (59%) |
1289 |
5901 (4662) |
81% (71%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
111.7 (114.5) |
5788 (5077) |
2011/09/09 04:00 |
1289 growing as it moves closer to a straight on view. The darkness ratio is showing some signs of a recovery. There was a spike of 152.4 on the F10.7 scale but now settling back to a low level.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1283 |
4352 (5532) |
71% (69%) |
1287 |
1577 (1516) |
59% (58%) |
1289 |
4662 (2303) |
71% (70%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
114.5 (113.2) |
5077 (4404) |
2011/09/08 04:00 |
1289 so far indicating another unipolar group, which can be weak & can have a negative impact on the F10.7 values. There will probably be a short term spike from the X class flare associated with 1283.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1283 |
5532 (5875) |
69% (67%) |
1287 |
1516 (1692) |
58% (65%) |
1289 |
2303 (679) |
70% (75%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
113.2 (120.7) |
4404 (4003) |
2011/09/07 04:00 |
A small increase today spurred on by a new area rotating onto the face, this area is dim on Stereo B which quite often results in a unipolar group with low output.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1283 |
5875 (6162) |
67% (64%) |
1287 |
1692 (1205) |
65% (62%) |
New |
679 |
75% |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
120.7 (121.5) |
4003 (3785) |
2011/09/06 04:00 |
1283 & 1287 growing today but all other areas are on the decline. Some new speck activity in the north. Stereo B looking quiet.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1281 |
698 (1260) |
55% (61%) |
1282 |
494 (1130) |
47% (55%) |
1283 |
6162 (4680) |
64% (64%) |
1287 |
1205 (462) |
62% (62%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
121.5 (120.8) |
3785 (3491) |
2011/09/05 04:00 |
Overall area reducing but some new activity recorded. 1286 not counted as it will not last 24 hours.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1281 |
1260 (1876) |
61% (59%) |
1282 |
1130 (1746) |
55% (55%) |
1283 |
4680 (4941) |
64% (62%) |
1287 |
462 |
62% |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
120.8 (117.5) |
3491 (4079) |
2011/09/04 04:00 |
The peak passing yesterday with only 1283 on the increase with 1277 just managing to scrape through today. Quieter tomorrow.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1277 |
336 (540) |
71% (62%) |
1281 |
1876 (2710) |
59% (60%) |
1282 |
1746 (2619) |
55% (64%) |
1283 |
4941 (3469) |
62% (66%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
117.5 (114.4) |
4079 (4816) |
2011/09/03 04:00 |
Swings and roundabouts today with yesterdays 6 regions counting again today. A new plage area has also rotated onto the face in the south.
F10.7 flux is starting rise to reasonable levels although still well down on the levels experienced during the first months of this year. Flux levels starting to fall into line when comparing this months SIDC values but not so when comparing NOAA.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1280 |
624 (547)
75% (78%)
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1277 |
540 (889) |
62% (57%) |
1279 |
1027 (1478) |
54% (57%) |
1281 |
2710 (2819) |
60% (60%) |
1282 |
2619 (2563) |
64% (66%) |
1283 |
3469 (1895) |
66% (52%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
114.4 (111.0) |
4816 (4319) |
2011/09/02 04:00 |
A further pickup in overall activity from yesterday with 6 groups counting and another new group making the grade today. 1277/79 reducing in size but all other groups growing quickly. The DSN value moving up considerably.
The Layman's count for August should be available in the next 24-48 hours.
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
New |
NOAA Region #
Pixels |
Darkness |
1277 |
889 (1157) |
57% (51%) |
1279 |
1478 (2125) |
57% (53%) |
1281 |
2819 (1043) |
60% (61%) |
1282 |
2563 (951) |
66% (75%) |
1283 |
1895 (845) |
52% (51%) |
F10.7 flux |
Date/Time UTC
111.0 (103.2) |
4319 (2698) |
2011/09/01 04:00 |