
What modulates our Sun? The majority of science work on the principle that the Sun is self modulating and each solar cycle is a product of a random number generator. There are others that suspect the Sun is modulated by the planets with a special emphasis on Uranus & Neptune. Thanks to Carl Smith who has recently left us we have new knowledge that significantly adds to Jose, Landscheidt & Charvàtovà's work.

Geoff Sharp


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The next ice age could begin any day
Updated: 3 years 22 weeks ago

Snowfall in Brazil!

Tue, 08/03/2021 - 05:52

Unlikely as it would seem, snow has been falling in Brazil’s Santa Catarina state.

Expectation of intense snowfall and record cold fills hotels in Brazil’s Santa Catarina state

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UN warmists have a problem; their models run too hot…

Tue, 08/03/2021 - 05:50

Warmist scientists are having trouble fitting their climate prediction models to the actually observed data. It seems the only ‘runaway greenhouse effect’ is the one their simulations create.

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One Day’s Ice Melt on Greenland Causes Panic

Sat, 07/31/2021 - 14:22

A story on Sky News takes a single day’s melt, admittedly quite a big melt and creates a global warming panic story.

I have a look at the DMI pages for Greenland and the Arctic most mornings.  Sky missed a lot of stories by not doing the same. There have been several days of unprecedented (really unprecedented) days of mass gain. What’s interesting about the incident causing Sky such distress has come so late in the year, and in a year where summer liss was minimal.


Sky story here


http://Enough ice melted in Greenland on Tuesday to cover Florida in two inches of water, scientists warn

DMI  Greenland mass balance here


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No devastation in 2020 from floods or landslides in Switzerland…

Sat, 07/31/2021 - 14:13

A graph shows that damage levels have been consistently low since 2008. Whether that has anything to do with the weak solar cycle starting around 2008 is unknown.

The four worst years for damage were 2005, 1987, 1993 and 1978.

The Swiss Avalanche Service ( reports in the above link that they have a 49 year data series on annual damage due to floods and landslides (which of course ‘ill rampage out of control due to climate chaos’ according to projections made by our Lords and Masters).

They report that 2020 fell in the bottom 10 years, namely those years with the least damage caused.

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To be, or not to be? Ice Age Ahead Ice_Age_is_Digital_Awake – Truth is Evergreen

Fri, 07/30/2021 - 12:21
To be, or not to be?

Ice Ages are real, and digital in nature. The next one is close, but it remains an enigma for the lack of prior experiences. All that we have ever known – the entire history of civilization, occurred in the brief span of the current warm climate. We have no experiences of the time prior to that, as if the time prior, pertained to an incomparably different world. That’s the world we have again in 30 years when the Sun flips back from its current high-powered state, to its low-powered default state, by which the Earth becomes a largely uninhabitable planet of ice and deserts by today’s standards. The transition is rapid. It is an on-off type transition. That’s what we need to prepare for. But will we do it?

While it is possible for us to build us a technological new world for living in an Ice Planet environment, this option is blocked by the long-standing imperial depopulation doctrine that in modern time is expressed in the controlled disintegration of both economics and science. From the ‘great debate’ in imperial circles in the 1920s, of how to twist science and cosmology into knots, emerged a series of tragic dreamlike counter-science concepts about the universe, the Sun, and the Ice Age phenomena. This science perversion has put society to sleep at a time of its greatest existential challenge in the entire history of civilization.

Will we awake from this blocking factor and build ourselves a new world to live in, and to have a future? Or will we lay ourselves down to die, instead of building the greatest renaissance ever?

Ice Age Ahead Ice_Age_is_Digital_Awake.mp4

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Major magnitude 8.2 earthquake – 104 Km SE of Perryville, Alaska, on Thursday, 29 July 2021 at 06:15 (GMT)

Thu, 07/29/2021 - 18:00

Major magnitude 8.2 earthquake at 32 km depth
29 Jul 06:20 UTC: First to report: USGS after 5 minutes.
29 Jul 06:22: Magnitude recalculated from 7.2 to 7.3. Hypocenter depth recalculated from 35.0 to 3.4 km (from 22 to 2.1 mi). Epicenter location corrected by 0.9 km (0.6 mi) towards S.
… [show all] …
29 Jul 07:40: Hypocenter depth recalculated from 46.7 to 32.2 km (from 29 to 20 mi). Epicenter location corrected by 17 km (10.7 mi) towards SSE.
Update Thu, 29 Jul 2021, 17:31
Largest quake in the U.S. in 50 years sends seismic waves across the globe

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So it is if it seems to you – Robert Felix Article

Thu, 07/29/2021 - 10:35

Here are two links to an article in Portuguese, published in several blogs in Brazil. A tribute to Robert Felix.

Marcio Accioly

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Top Climate Scientist, Dr. Willie Soon Predicts Global Cooling for next 20-30 years

Wed, 07/28/2021 - 15:52

Alex Newman of the New American interviews Dr. Willie Soon, who says among other things that it was the sun that melted 2-miles thick of NH ice and not anything man did.

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There´s hope for the great barrier reef!

Wed, 07/28/2021 - 05:55

As we see our world coming to an end, at least there is hope the great barrier reef will be left behind and thriving.

Fortunately, this comes to the rescue of alarmist expectations:

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Denver missed snowiest March on record by a little more than an inch

Tue, 07/27/2021 - 14:09

**** Previously unpublished draft by Robert. ****

Video – Thundersnow nearly pushes Denver to snowiest March ever.

In fact, the mile-high city missed having the snowiest March on record by a little more than an inch.

Watch this video of the snowstorm for a few seconds and you will see the lightning and then hear the thunder. This what is known as thundersnow.

A final blast of snow fell on Tuesday night, bringing the total for March to 34 inches.

Having fallen short of the record of 35.2 inches set in 2003, March 2021 will go down in the record books as Denver’s second snowiest March in recorded history. -history/

Thanks to Bill Sellers for this link

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Visitor Story Submissions

Tue, 07/27/2021 - 14:05

I have added a new feature to the site. It will allow visitors to submit stories.

Visitor Story Submissions

You can also see a menu option for this at the top right corner of the page (or in the drop down if you are using mobile). Submissions get put into a queue for review, so please be gentle for now as I am still doing this alone. I will get around to adding moderators probably later this week. If you submit a story and you end up on the home page, do not think your submission is missing. It would have gone through. I still need to add a landing page that says “Thanks for the submission” or something other than a generic redirect. It is just that time is in limited supply. I still have the caching issue that I need to get resolved. The application that serves up the content is also caching it, and I haven’t figured out yet how to stop it from caching dynamic content. I will defeat it eventually.

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Sunday Update

Sun, 07/25/2021 - 20:22

Just wanted to post an update before I went to bed. I spent the weekend moving Robert’s sites over to my server. There were a few frustrations, but all seems well currently. If you experience any issues out of the ordinary, please let me know. I am experimenting with a higher performance version of the software that powers this site. There may be a few compatibility issues. I will be working on adding more to the site during the week. I will post updates as changes are made. Once everything is done, I will delete all these update posts, so they aren’t clogging/dominating the front page.

More soon

The Future of the Site

Thu, 07/22/2021 - 19:28

I want to apologize for taking so long to get to this. I’ve been out of town on a business trip and didn’t leave myself a way to access the site. Brilliant move, right?

I have talked to Mrs. Felix about the future of the site, and we will keep it up and running. There will be a few changes made. Most will be small, but there will be a few big changes as well. For starters, I will be moving the website (in addition to Evolutionary Leaps) over to my server this coming weekend. You may experience brief outages during the move. We are going back to the roots of the website in terms of content. That means the focus will be on climate, weather, and geology related news. Probably sprinkle in some space news. Gone from the site moving forward will be posts of a political nature. The exception being political news that relates directly to weather, climate, and geology. There will be no more political fighting on the site. If you want to fight about that, I’m sure you’ll be quite happy on Facebook and/or Twitter. There will be no more posts about Covid-19. Again, take it to Facebook/Twitter. There is so much to cover in the world that is interesting and enlightening. We do not need to bring toxic discussions to this place.

I am going to be setting up a news story submission page. It will be a simple form where you can include a link and a brief summary of the story. I will be looking for a few long-time members that are interesting in being news moderators. They would be responsible for monitoring news submissions and creating content on the homepage the way Robert did for so many years. I will be looking for someone (or two) who is interested in comment moderation. The person or persons would need to be able to set aside personal opinions and approve or delete comments based strictly on the community guidelines. We aren’t going to agree on everything, and frankly the site would get boring if we did.

I’m considering adding a component to the site that allows you to have your own account/profile. You’d be able to add friends on here and communicate with them if you wish. I would like to hear your thoughts on this. This would be something experimental. Hopefully it wouldn’t get abused. I have a few other things I want to try out as my schedule allows it. Your thoughts?

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Invitation to Make a Difference

Sun, 06/27/2021 - 13:40

Dear Ice Age Now Family,

I was hoping we could do something to make the best of a terrible situation. I am posting this message as an invitation to make a difference. In honor of Robert Felix, my request is that each visitor to this site do something in the next week that makes a difference to someone else. Commit an act of random kindness. It could be something simple as saying something nice to a stranger. It could be helping an elderly neighbor with a task. It could even be something like going to an animal shelter and spending time with our forgotten pets. Maybe you could help at a soup kitchen or donate to a random GoFundMe campaign. Do something unexpected that will brighten the day of someone (or something) else. Robert was an extremely kind individual, and I think it would be wonderful to honor his memory by doing something kind as a tribute to the man who brought us so much enjoyment over the years.

What are your thoughts? If you participate in this challenge, please share your stories. Perhaps your actions will inspire someone else.

Thanks for listening.

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Our Beloved Friend and Author

Sat, 06/26/2021 - 17:03

It is with a heavy heart that I must make this post. I just learned that our friend Robert Felix has passed away on June 10th. He was a great friend and brought so many of us together. Nothing that I can write here will be able to do justice to the person that has been part of our lives for so many years. I am thankful that I was able to meet him and his wife over the Memorial Day weekend. Please take a moment to share your memories of our friend and I will do my best to get the comments approved for everyone to see. Thank you so much for being part of this site over the years. I know Robert enjoyed being able to share this thoughts and communicate with everyone here.

RIP my friend. I will miss you.

Dan – Your long time friend and site admin.

06/26/2021 9:25PM CDT: I will attempt to reach out to Robert’s wife to find out what his wishes were for the site. I do have the ability to keep the site running if that is the wish. Also, until I can speak with her, I have disabled the ordering of products from the store that require shipping. I have left the two digital products online.

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Update on my (Robert’s) Health

Tue, 06/08/2021 - 14:06

You’ll want to read this if you have rheumatoid arthritis (R.A.). You also may want to share this with any of your friends or relatives who have R.A.

For starters, I simply do not know how I’m doing!

Let me give you a brief synopsis of my past experience with R.A.

It all began on Thanksgiving Day, 2007. (Yes, in just one day.) We had a great Thanksgiving dinner. My family always likes to go to a movie after dinner, so I went to start my car. Couldn’t even lift my hand to put the key in the ignition. I was soon diagnosed with R.A., and began taking methotrexate, which worked wonderfully.

Fast forward to 2018, when I needed to undergo a quite invasive surgery. The surgeon asked me to go off all meds, including the methotrexate, for 6 weeks prior to the surgery, and six weeks after.

Lo-and-behold, the R.A. had vanished! Gone! I thought. My rheumatologist and I decided to discontinue the methotrexate, and after awhile he dismissed me. Told me to call him in the event the R.A if I have a problem.

Bad, bad, bad mistake.

So now we get to today.

Two Thursdays ago I walked into my first meeting with a rheumatologist because of a long list of symptoms that specialists couldn’t fathom. None of the specialists had ever mentioned R.A. Not once. Finally, after months, my wife and I self-diagnosed the culprit as R.A.  The rheumatologist agreed. Hugely progressive R.A. By Friday night I was walking with a cane. By Sunday night I needed a walker. Now I’m dependent on a wheelchair. All in less than three weeks.

Went to the JPS Hospital emergency room. The hospital infused me with a high dose of steroids (1000 mg of prednisone) three days in a row which was supposed to stop the progression in its tracks. It did nothing.

They couldn’t believe R.A. could work that quickly, so they conducted a full-body MRI, a cat-scan of my head, a Lumbar puncture (spinal tap) and so many blood tests that I couldn’t possibly keep count. Nothing. They’re completely baffled.

In the meantime I’m sticking with my belief that it’s R.A. because my rheumatoid factor is 50. (About 4 times what it should be.) Instead of attacking my joints, it is attacking my organs – my skin (an organ), heavy neuropathy, numbness in feet and lower legs (my legs have turned to jello and I have no balance), and the numbness has begun moving into my hands. Highly elevated blood pressure, highly elevated liver enzyme levels, the list goes on and on.

And oh, did I mention the pain?

Now we’re waiting for the insurance company to hopefully approve treatment with a drug called Rituxan. (Chemotherapy).

In the meantime I’m home from the hospital but getting progressively worse. I’m taking as many pain meds as they’ll prescribe.

All in less than three weeks!

I’ll keep you updated, and please wish me good luck.


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Do you trust government guidelines for ANY thing?

Tue, 06/08/2021 - 11:17

Let us remember that government guidelines (including the global warming idiocy) are often not based on science, but on a drive for political power.

Do you trust government guidelines for ANY thing?

This lady doesn’t
Jean S

I was skinny as a child. I was skinny as a young adult… but starting around age 25 I started gaining weight.

At the time I was following the absolutely stupid Federal government nutrition “guidelines” aka, the Pyramid diet. I ate mostly whole grains, then fresh fruits & veggies, with moderate amounts of proteins (meat, poultry, fish, & soy), 3 cups of milk a day plus other dairy, and small amount of fats. I almost never drink alcohol. I was at that time physically mobile and walked at least 5 miles a day (and often walks of 15 miles on a weekend) with frequent bike riding up to 20 miles a day. Despite all that I continued to gain weight, until I was 100 lbs overweight. No matter what I tried (increasing walking, very low fat diet as then suggested)… nothing worked at all.

Eventually the “guidelines” changed but it was harder by then to change my supposedly health behavior. I finally got so frustrated by not being able to lose weight I started going to doctor’s about it. I went for a few months to a diet support group where the leader insisted that what I wrote down I was eating in my food diary that I was lying. I was not lying. She also made totally unhelpful suggestions like “If you eat a whole chicken at a meal, eat half the chicken.” or “If you eat a whole pie, just eat one piece”. In my whole life I have never come close to eating a whole chicken in one meal or a whole pie… I only had 2 pieces of pie for Thanksgiving, and usually kept them small. I told her that, she claimed I was lying so… I quit going to that program.

Then eventually I developed osteoarthritis and started having mobility problems and gained more weight. I considered bariatric surgery but it freaked me out when I found out what it entailed… basically the “gold standard” is to remove most of your stomach… despite the fact there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that having a stomach is what causes you to become obese.

Then I went for a year to a medically supervised weight loss program, was put on a <900 calorie keto diet which consisted of specific food products (not normal food) and weekly meetings. I lost 130 lbs and went into the maintenance part of the program which transitions you to eating regular food … but then moved two months later and found that it was harder and harder to eat by the recommended maintenance plan which made me feel constantly hungry (I never had that problem on their low cal keto diet). Enter the stupid lockdowns and over time I ended up gaining back most of the weight I initially lost.

SO yeah, I’m disgusted with government guidelines on a lot of things these days.

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Hilarious Video of Weatherman Dissing the Global-Warming Idiocy

Tue, 06/08/2021 - 08:23

Ice-Age Watch in Australia. They just suffered an all-time record cold May and endured “record-challenging” amounts of snow.

Anchor describes the early opening of several ski areas due to unusual amounts of snow an unusual cold.

Laughs that ski areas are giving out global warming ski passes.

Winter has arrived early, he says, but politicians keep yelling that global warming is “undeniable.”

So if it’s so cold and snowy in the southern hemisphere, wouldn’t you expect warming in the northern hemisphere?

Nope. On May 29, states from Arizona to New Brunswick reported temperatures an incredible 30 degrees colder than normal.

Thanks to Mickey and Stephen Bird for this video.

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Snow at Mt Baker, Washington thru June 13th, 2021

Mon, 06/07/2021 - 11:46

Ain’t global warming grand? All I see is fraud, fraud, fraud.

Snow at Mt Baker, Washington (10,000 ft) thru June 13th, 2021

Yesterday Afternoon
Snow likely… could be heavy at times. Cloudy, with a high near 24. Chance of precipitation is 70%. Total daytime snow accumulation of 1 to 3 inches possible.
Last night
Snow…could be heavy at times. Low around 17. Chance of precipitation is 100%. New snow accumulation of 3 to 7 inches possible.
A 30 percent chance of snow, mainly before 8am. Partly sunny, with a high near 26. New snow accumulation of less than one inch possible.
Monday Night
Partly cloudy, with a low around 19. Light and variable wind.
A 50 percent chance of snow. Partly sunny, with a high near 31. New snow accumulation of 1 to 3 inches possible.
Tuesday Night
A 30 percent chance of snow. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 22. New snow accumulation of less than one inch possible.
A 40 percent chance of snow. Partly sunny, with a high near 30. New snow accumulation of around an inch possible.
Wednesday Night
A slight chance of snow. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 23.
A chance of snow. Partly sunny, with a high near 30.
Thursday Night
Mostly cloudy, with a low around 25.
A slight chance of snow. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 36.
Friday Night
A chance of snow. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 29.
A chance of snow. Partly sunny, with a high near 38.
Saturday Night
A chance of snow. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 30.
A chance of snow. Partly sunny, with a high near 38.

Thanks to Kenneth Lund for this link

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Follow the science, at least on nutrition 

Mon, 06/07/2021 - 06:44

If our government can’t even get the nutrition guidelines correct, why should we believe their foolish utterances about climate?

Note: If you know someone of child-bearing age, please tell them about an infant’s need for the choline found in eggs, which appears to improve cognitive development that begins during infancy and lasts into school-age years.


“Follow the science” is supposedly the guiding mantra for federal actions. But it is too often ignored – even on nutrition guidelines, it turns out,” writes Paul Driessen. “It’s recently been discovered that the 2020 and earlier Dietary Guidelines for Americans (the official government recommendations for a healthy diet) were based on outdated data.

“From my perch, the last thing we need is more sloppy and politicized science, and more policies, laws and regulations dictated by “woke” or “cancel culture” agendas that censor certain news and put our well-being way down on the list of government priorities.”


Follow the science, at least on nutrition 

Even if we hew to politicized science on Covid and climate, can’t we do real science on food?

Paul Driessen

If we’ve learned anything from the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s the importance of solid, up-to-date scientific information – and the regulatory flexibility necessary to respond quickly to new information. At least with some aspects of Covid prevention and treatment, “follow the science” became the guiding mantra, as sustained inquiry into the corona virus progressed at warp-speed, leading to scientific breakthroughs and three vaccines in only months, rather than the normal years or even decades.

However, related research also confirmed the truth that a healthy diet is key to preventing, managing and recovering from Covid-19 (and other diseases).

That’s why it’s surprising, and exasperating, that many suggestions in the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans – the official government recommendations for a healthy diet – are based on outdated data. Rather than following the science, they have too often lagged behind recent findings or been subjected to apparently politicized science. That needs to change.

Dietary Guidelines are more than advice on how to eat. They form the basis of federal food policies and programs, nutrition education, and various public and private disease prevention initiatives. Formulated in consultation with the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, the Guidelines serve as a reference tool, influence what’s on food labels, and dictate what foods are allowed in school lunch programs.

Just as important, health-care professionals and policy makers determine nutritional recommendations for especially vulnerable groups – such as pregnant women, young children and adolescents. All these people depend on (and assume there is) sound science behind the Guidelines.

Given the link between nutrition and health, one would think the congressionally required dietary Guidelines would be of high scholarly quality, accurate and scientifically up-to-date, particularly since they are published just once every five years. Indeed, the statute that mandates publication specifically requires that they be based on “the preponderance of current scientific and medical knowledge.”

Unfortunately, updates that include Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) values for various nutrients receive less attention.

Part of the science behind the guidelines is Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) that tell us how much of any given nutrient a healthy person needs, from macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) to vitamins and minerals. Surprisingly, except for sodium and potassium, none of the DRIs have been updated in the last ten years; others, like magnesium and vitamin C, have had no updates since the 1990s. (Potassium, for example, is vital for heart and other muscle health, but found only in a few foods.)

So, on closer look, the “new” 2020 dietary guidelines turn out to be the fifth consecutive congressionally-mandated iteration of old, often outdated science, just packaged in a new cover. Not surprisingly, the 2020 Advisory Committee recommended urgent extensive updates to existing DRIs, for most nutrients, for all age and sex groups and life stages, to better characterize potential risks of dietary inadequacy and excess.

If these official dietary recommendations are to mean anything, the underlying science must be current and the DRIs must be updated – right now, and more regularly in the future.

The 2020 Advisory Committee report on that point is clear: “The DRIs are essential resources for evaluating the nutritional quality of current dietary patterns for the American public, and the Committee has identified where updates are needed for the DRIs to be relevant in the Dietary Guidelines process.”

That’s why it should have been big news when former Deputy Undersecretary of Agriculture for Food Nutrition and Consumer Services Brandon Lipps’ team secured DRI research funding before leaving office. For some reason, though, there was hardly any media coverage.

Instead, ahead of the 2020 Guidelines’ publication, misguided news reports announced an expected reduction in RDAs for alcoholic drinks and added sugars – in the midst of the Covid lockdowns, when millions of Americans were increasing their intakes, as a way to cope with their isolation and boredom. But without new studies to justify them, USDA and HHS made no changes to the 2015 recommendations.

By contrast, a big change that was introduced in the 2020 Guidelines involved recommendations for young infants from birth to two years of age. For example, they suggested that babies and toddlers shouldn’t have any sweets in their first 24 months, even though there is no new science to support that new guideline. Making that change even more troubling, the very young are probably more vulnerable to the effects of using outdated DRIs than any other age group.

In another example, it’s been a long time since the last DRI update for choline, a nutrient that particularly affects infants. Certain animal source foods – such as eggs – provide sufficient amounts of choline, which appears to improve cognitive development that begins during infancy and lasts into school-age years.

Researchers at Cornell University recently discovered that women who consume twice the recommended intake of choline during their third trimester of pregnancy – a time of rapid brain development – deliver lasting neuro-protective benefits to their babies. Enhanced cognitive effects observed in the children (increased attention, memory and problem-solving skills) were still maintained at age seven.

Surprisingly though, since choline was first granted a DRI in 1998, the DRI for infants across all domestic food policy has not been based on even one actual clinical trial. It’s been based on the average level of choline in breast milk. That certainly appears to make the choline-intake recommendation entirely random and inadequate, and a special concern with regard to parents who follow vegan diets

DRIs have to be kept up-to-date, and ongoing, relevant research on any nutrition-health nexus must be incorporated into them.

In yet another example, the Guidelines also mention tooth cavities as a significant diet-related chronic disease.  And yet the Guidelines ignore the large body of evidence showing the role that chewing sugar-free gum can play in improving oral health by increasing saliva production and discouraging snacking.

In fact, the Guidelines almost entirely overlooked the importance of oral health to overall health, even though wider health benefits linked to a healthy oral biome include the prevention of heart disease, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia (a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure), periodontitis (a serious gum infection that can destroy gums and even jawbones) and diabetes.

Chewing sugar-free gum has been associated with faster post-cesarean recovery. Researchers have even suggested a link between oral health and Covid: coronavirus may spread into the bloodstream through infected gums, causing a more severe disease in people with poor oral hygiene.

To restate the obvious, if the government is going to publish Dietary Guidelines for Americans every five years, agencies need to follow the science. Rather than regurgitating and reprinting old information, and expecting us to follow it on faith, these highly influential Guidelines need to be based on current scientific knowledge. Our health and the health of our children are too important for anything less.

Whether it’s nutrition, Covid or climate change, the last thing we need is more sloppy politicized science, and more policies, laws and regulations dictated by “woke” or “cancel culture” agendas that censor certain news and put our well-being way down on the list of government priorities.

Paul Driessen is senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow ( and author of books and articles on energy, environment, climate, health and human rights issues.

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