
What modulates our Sun? The majority of science work on the principle that the Sun is self modulating and each solar cycle is a product of a random number generator. There are others that suspect the Sun is modulated by the planets with a special emphasis on Uranus & Neptune. Thanks to Carl Smith who has recently left us we have new knowledge that significantly adds to Jose, Landscheidt & Charvàtovà's work.

Geoff Sharp

Vale Timo Niroma

Another of the Planetary supporters has left us sadly. Timo was a great statistician and proud believer in the power of Jupiter. Boris Winterhalter is now looking after Timo's site and I wish him all the best.

Timo made a difference, and will probably earn more accolades as the science unfolds...RIP

Many thanks go to Carl's brother Dave for providing the Domain, Server and Software.